How to Setup Your Email Client (generic)

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Setting up an email client for the first time can seem a little complicated, but once you know a few key pieces of information, you can get almost any client up and running quickly. This guide, covers setting up an email account in a local application (an email client) installed on your computer or another device (phone, tablet).

Account Information & Terminology

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All popular (and more importantly up to date) email clients require on a few basic pieces of information to start checking and sending messages from your account.

Incoming Server: The server that receives and stores messages sent to your e-mail account, accessed by the e-mail client via IMAP or POP3. For an overview of the differences between the two please see our IMAP vs POP3 E-Mail guide. Secure (SSL) connections use the server’s hostname and standard (non-SSL) connections use your domain name.
Outgoing Server (SMTP): The server that sends e-mail from your account. Your SMTP server may require some additional security settings but these also are fairly easy to enable. Typically, if there is a checkbox or radio button labeled “My Server Requires Authentication” it will need to be checked. Secure (SSL) connections use the server’s hostname and standard (non-SSL) connections use your domain name.
User Name and Password: Authentication credentials that allow access your e-mail account and messages. The username is the full email address, not just the part before the “@” symbol and domain name.
The important point to take out of this list is that all e-mail clients require the same information to function, and once you know that information you can set up almost any email client.

Secure Mail Server Settings (SSL)

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Incoming Mail Server Outgoing Mail Server
Hostname: Hostname:
Port: 993 Port: 465
Username: Full Email Address Username: Full Email Address
Password: Your Password Password: Your Password

Common Mail Clients

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If you are launching your local email client for the first time after you installed it you will most likely be prompted to create a new account as soon as you launch the program. The following steps will start the process of adding a new email account to your local client. Once you have completed these steps, you will see a screen that asks for the server and user information outlined above.


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  • In the top menu, click on Tools and then Email Accounts (some versions of Outlook may say just Accounts).
  • In some versions of Outlook you may need to click on the Email tab.
  • Click on Add a new e-mail account… or simply New and then click Next.

Mac OS X Mail

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  • With the Mail application open, click on the File menu and then click Add Account…
  • For more detail, see How To Set up Email in Mac OS X 10.11 or How To Set up a Mail Account in OS X 10.5.


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  • Click on the Tools menu, choose Accounts Settings, and click Add Account.

Outlook Express/Windows Mail

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  • Click on the Tools menu, click on Accounts, and then click on the Mail tab.
  • Click the Add button and then click on Mail.

iPhone Email

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  • If this is your first time adding an e-mail account to your iPhone simply launch the Mail app and you will be prompted to create a new account.
  • If you are adding or replacing an account open Settings followed by Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Open Accounts and choose Add Account…
  • From the list of available e-mail services choose Other. You will be prompted for your server and user information.

Android Email

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  • Open your list of applications and click/touch the Email icon.
  • If this is your first time launching the Email application you will be prompted to create a new account.
  • To manually add a new account open the Email application, click on your device’s Menubutton, and choose Add Account.

Blackberry Internet Service 1.8

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  • Click on Create Your Account.
  • Click Continue and agree to the terms & conditions screen.
  • You will be prompted for the server and user information you wish to use.

Blackberry Internet Service 2

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  • Click on Email Settings followed by Create New Account.
  • Many service providers also offer an online portal for configuring BlackBerry e-mail accounts using your web browser. Please contact your service provider to see if they offer such a service should you wish to pursue that option.
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