Setting up Email on Android Devices

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These instructions are intended specifically for setting up e-mail on an Android device. We’ll be working from a DROID 4, and using Android Version 4.1.2. If these instructions don’t quite work for you, check-out our tutorial on How to Setup Your Email Client (generic).

Open the Email Application

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Choose Email Account Type

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Then, select Other and then touch Done.


Enter Basic Account Information

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Enter your Full Email address, password and then click Next.


Select Your Account Type

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Choose either POP or IMAP — if you’re unsure of the differences, view our FAQ Article.


Configure Either POP3 (110) or IMAP (143)

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What’s the difference between POP3 and IMAP? With POP3, your email client will retrieve your email messages and either (1) leave a copy on the server or (2) delete the email from the server once it’s received on your device. Since there’s no syncing of email, if you mark a message as read on your device it will not mark it as read on the server and vice versa. With IMAP, all of your messages stay sync’d among your devices.

For IMAP, the IMAP server should be set to the correct hostname. Generally speaking, this will be Also make sure that for IMAP the Port is set to 143. Touch Next.


For POP3, the POP3 server should be set to the correct hostname. Generally speaking, this will be Also make sure that for POP3 the Port is set to 110. Touch Next.


Configure SMTP

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For SMTP, the SMTP server should be set to the correct hostname. Generally speaking, this will be Also make sure that for SMTP the Port is either set to 25. Touch Next.


Select Basic Account Settings

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Check the boxes for whichever settings you prefer, then touch Done.


Finalize Basic Account Information

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Enter an account name and then your display name. The account name is something memorable that will allow you to distinguish this account on your phone. The Display Name is the name people will say when they receive email from you. When complete, touch Next. That’s it, you’re now set to use Backhouse Media’s email on your Android device!


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